27 Aug 2014

Why you should send a “Thank You” note or email after an interview

27 Aug 2014

Should you send a thank you letter or email after an interview? Most definitely, regardless of whether or not you are interested in the role. Thank you letters are always a genuine and sincere touch in any situation. They  make a candidate stand out during the interview process as not everyone will take the time to compose one.

While I certainly encourage the thank you note or email, I also believe firmly they should serve an important purpose other than just saying “thank you.” Candidates should use the thank you letter to stress some critical points-

1) They are very interested in both the role and the company, especially after having spoken to the hiring manager, and explain why.

2) They feel they are a good fit for a particular reason and they outline this in the email or note.

3) They believe this is the right step for them in their career.

A thank you letter can also be used to state or clarify something about which you spoke during the interview. Or, if you didn’t have the time to discuss a particular point that you feel is important, now is a good time to bring this up.

LESSON: Use the thank you letter as a canvas for strenghtening your candidacy.

Jodi Shapiro – Senior Consultant

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