27 Aug 2014

Why You Should NEVER Lie About Your Current Salary Information

27 Aug 2014

This blog will probably seem so obvious to most candidates but you would be shocked at the fact that I have run into this situation with candidates in the past. It is VERY important to disclose all pertinent information in a truthful manner to your recruiter so this can be relayed to the client. I have blogged about candidates lying about their current salaries (and there is a difference between base salary and total salary package) and trust me they usually don’t get away with it.  The truth is often comes up in reference checks (informal or formal).  In the same vein, candidates MUST always be truthful about their current employment situation  and reasons for leaving. I worked with a candidate (a wonderful one) who had actually left her job—meaning she was no longer employed by the company!!!—and she did not inform us, even throughout reference checks, which was when we found out and had to inform our client that the candidate we were representing was no longer employed. This is seriously a cardinal sin in our eyes and in the eyes of the client. This makes the candidate look unprofessional and deceitful, and in most cases will result in the loss of an offer from a client. Even if the reason for leaving is negative or reflects poorly on candidates, they must disclose the situation to their recruiter so they can be transparent with their client about the candidates reasons for leaving. The moral of the story is candidates should always be honest when disclosing their career history and current job situation to recruiters or directly to clients (if they are not using a recruiter’s assistance). The lie will catch up with you more often than  not.

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